With my two lovely sows Cavameer Mania and Cavameer Terra due on the 12th of May, (though I have a strong inkling that Terra will litter first and Mania will be 16 days or so after her) I will be expecting 6ish new spikey little bundles of Awesome. My predictions are three sows and three boars, all brindle :p

NSW trip went well, and now I have a lovely new Rex boar to add to the gene pool. He is a lovely boar with a very coarse coat for a baby. There might be a slight coat fault - a tiny crimp - but only time and judging will tell, and it is easily amended when paired to the right sow. In this case, Cavriolet Ximun will be paired to Awesome Ki and Awesome Kiohne as soon as they hit 500g.

There is an important Championship show this Sunday at Pinewood Primary School. I will be exhibiting three lovely Rex boars: Cavriolet Ximun, Sasquatch and Sasquatch Jr. and my sweet Sheba boar Jackpot. Hopefully I can get a good idea of whether or not Ximun has a coat fault and if Jackpot should be bred to my Sheba sows. Perhaps I can even get a few new cavies to breed from in my hopes to produce high standard stock.

I'm running a little low on hutches, and it's getting cold. As almost everyone I talk to in aware, my cavies are all housed indoors 24/7 in the two spare rooms of my house. With more babies on the way (as well as any new pures I buy or rescues I take in) I will need a LOT more room. My plan is to make some more outdoor runs for them so that the cavies indoors in the smaller hutches can have a huge area outside to explore and exercise in each day, instead of the medium outdoor runs I currently have. If anyone knows a good supply store or builder, hook me up :p

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    I'm Maxx. I breed Rex, Abyssinian and Sheba Miniyak cavies for showing in Australia.